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Vernadsky National Contest of Student Research Projects  

Requirements For Visual Presentations

This document should mainly concern participants who were selected to participate in the second intramural round.

Modern scientific conferences accept certain specifications to properly organize visual presentations. Having taken this into account, the Organizational Committee had worked out basic requirements.

The poster should not be more than 800 by 800 mm in size.

The top should contain a line about 105 mm of size, including the title of the research project in # 48 ( 12 mm in capital letters); under the title goes the name of author and the supervisor, the institution, the city of origin in # 36 ( 8 mm in capital letters); in the left corner of the line there is a spot for the number of the poster, which is indicated in the invitation letter or is given to the participant at the registration.

The text which contains information about the research conducted (the objective, the tasks, methodology, results obtained and conclusions drawn) should be typed in Times New Roman Cyr, # 20 or 22 with 1,5 interval. With no electronic devices available slight deviations from the standards are allowed. The informative and persuasive contents largely depend on the quality of the visual aids (i.e. graphs, charts, pictures, and photos). The charts should not be overloaded with numbers. Drawings and graphs need clarifying notes. Color graphs are encouraged. Photos need to be informative. The optimal ratio of the written material to illustrations is 1:1.

Any additional information about the research conducted (photo album, herbarium, collection of minerals, etc.) may be presented by the author at the session.

After the session is completed, the posters are returned to the author, and the formal Readings stamp may be put on it upon the author's request.

Additional Notes

For placing posters each participant will be given a board. Besides that, each participant may request a table for presenting additional material (herbarium, etc).

The previous Readings have shown that it is most convenient to make presentations on a standard sheet of thick paper or on 8 vertical A4 format pieces of paper (210 by 297 mm ). The line with the general information should be prepared separately. It may be done out of a long piece of paper or by sticking together several pieces of A4 format paper. It may be stuck on board with a pin or scotch tape.

The aim of the poster is to briefly and illustratively acquaint the Contest Panel, other participants, and guests with the contents and the results obtained. It is not just a colored ad of one's research work. As the materials, presented on the poster, will not cover all of the research done, students should be able to answer the Panel's questions and give supporting clarifications on any text or illustration on the poster.

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